What’s On @HHR?

Please remember to check back for regular update’s:

February 9th Live Requests with HHR @ PAH

Thanks to everyone who came along, requested a track and had a chat with us on Sunday! It was great to play some of your favourite songs for your family & friends. We also had several hospital staff make requests to brighten up Sunday afternoon. Below are a few images from another great HHR event. We will keep you posted on future events and when our next Live Requests @ PAH will be….


The latest digital edition of the HHR magazine is now live, please click below to have a read!


February 9th Live Requests with HHR!

On Sunday February 9th, Harlow Hospital Radio is broadcasting live, with one team in Princess Alexandra Hospital’s reception and another team operating the radio station live from our studio.

So, please stop by and give us requests and dedications for your friends and loved ones in hospital – or for staff members. Then we can play them live as you visit.

If you can’t be there on the day, email us at harlowhospitalradio@live.co.uk or make contact via social media.


HHR Members Social

Some of the HHR team gathered for a belated Christmas social on Friday 24th January. We had some great food at The Harlow Mill Beefeater. And of course lots of discussion about the year ahead and our events we have lined up… watch this space for more details!


January 2025 ~ HAPPY NEW YEAR!

All the HHR team would like to wish everyone a Happy & Health 2025! We look forward to seeing you all at our future events this year, and thanks again for your continued support!

And don’t forget if have an event taking place HHR have outside broadcasting equipment and can provide PA/Music for the whole event or certain parts. Please get in contact with details of the event & a contact number, and we might be able to help you! Email us: harlowhospitalradio@live.co.uk


**December 2024**

PAH Staff Christmas Songs Program:

Tune into Harlow Hospital Radio on Sunday December 22nd at 5pm for a very special hour-long Christmas programme.

Eight of the carols and songs are sung and played by staff of Princess Alexandra Hospital (PAH) in Harlow – including some composed by their performers – and they are mixed with traditional and modern Christmas celebrations.

All of the PAH staff songs are introduced by their performers or by HHR’s Linda who also co-ordinated the project with her friends and colleagues at the hospital. The programme was mixed by Andy, assisted by Mark.

HHR broadcasts 24 hours a day and can be heard via HHR’s web site – harlowhospitalradio.com or by asking Alexa to play Harlow Hospital Radio.

Last week HHR welcomed our PAH colleagues to our studio to record their own version of The Twelve Days of Christmas. We discovered some great musical talent and a fun time was had by all!

The HHR Xmas 2024 Radio Ramblings Newsletter can be found below! Many thanks to all who helped put this bumper Xmas edition together! Enjoy…..

18/09/2024: Our latest edition of our magazine is making it’s way onto the wards, we will also be putting a link to the digital edition on the main page of the website very soon!

14/09/24: HHR was again asked to support with the yearly PAH staff Cultural Event on Saturday just gone. This was another fantastic event with some great music and amazing performances! Plus we all got to try some lovely food…. Below are just a small a selection of photos from another great event….

13/9/24: BBQ @ St Michael’s School supported by HHR, thanks to everyone who came along and for all your requests! The weather was on our side and we was able to make good use of our disco lights….

18th July 24 ~ AGM News :

Last week we held our AGM, where we looked back on all the hard work we have undertaken in the past 12 months. We also elected our Executive Committee for the next 12 months who have all vowed to continue making the station the best it can.

After the meeting we were joined by some wonderful guests, from the hospital, the wider Harlow community and some previous presenters who are always welcome back to the station.

We were also delighted to welcome our very first Patron, Ray Clark (along with wife Shelley) who treated us to an amazing talk about his journey on the radio. From listening to Radio Caroline when the station first started, to presenting shows on BBC Radio Essex, with lots of twists and turns in between.

It was a very enjoyable evening, thank you to all who attended.


Thanks to everyone who supported The Great Get Together @ Harlow Town Park on the 6th July. Sadly the “summer” weather was not on our side! This was still a great event and we was able to test out our new outside broadcast equipment further. We will keep you posted on the date for next years event once we have confirmation.


Thanks to everyone who supported the St Michael’s School Summer Fête on June 22nd. Below are a few images from the day! Further details on the link below:



Dementia Action Week:
Come and see us in the main entrance of PAH next  Sunday 12th May between 1pm and 3.30pm. We will be playing music and supporting the start of Dementia Action Week in collaboration with the Patient Panel and PAH’s Admiral Nurse Caroline Ashton Gough . Look forward to seeing you!!

—————————————————————————————————————–HHR Variety Show

After a prolonged absence, thanks to the pandemic, HHR’s popular Variety show returned to Old Harlow’s Victoria Hall Theatre on the 3rd of February. Music, Magic, Street Dance, Comedy and the usual fooling around kept a sold-out audience entertained on a cold Saturday night, as well as raising vital funds towards HHR’s ever present overheads.

The pictures below are from the rehearsal on the Saturday afternoon, and given some of the costumes that appeared for the evening performance, possibly the better advertisement!

All of the performers appeared without charge, and we thank them for their support. You’ll hear some of them soon on the radio as they come in to be interviewed by our team.


Time is running out to get your HHR Variety Show tickets. There are currently only 14 seats left available.
Don’t miss out on what is going to be a great show, full of dancing, singing, comedy and magic.

Here are all the acts taking part:
LMA Studios
Jigsaw Performing Arts School Harlow
Neale Munson
The BloomFields
O’Leary and Meadows
Greg Camburn from Retune
Anna Wells

Get your tickets before it is too late:

January 2024 : Happy New Year!

All the HHR team would like to wish you a Happy New Year! Thanks for the continued support and we will keep you posted on events for 2024. And don’t forget if you have an event taking place HHR have outside broadcasting equipment and can provide PA/Music for the whole event or certain parts. Please get in contact with details of the event & a contact number, and we might be able to help you! Email us: harlowhospitalradio@live.co.uk


**2023 ~ News Archive**

Many thanks to everyone who supported the Charity Car Park at Harlow college on Saturday 14th Oct, the weather was on our side. We had lots of donations (some people didn’t park but wanted to donate, which is extremely kind) We have raised much needed funds for the station. And really appreciate all the donations! A note for your calendar, we will be holding another Charity Car Park @ Harlow College on Saturday 18th November 2023.

Several of the HHR team made a trip to Radio Caroline on Sunday 17th Sept. Many thanks for having us onboard, we had a fantastic time. We will be back again soon!


HHR was extremely pleased to support the PAH staff Cultural Event which was held on Saturday 16th Sept in Harlow. This was a busy but fantastic event with some great music and performances! Plus not forgetting some lovely food. Below are a selection of photos from the event:

We are pleased to report that the latest edition of our Patient Magazine for 2023/2024 is now available online for you to enjoy, please click the image below to access the digital edition.

A massive thanks to local MP Robert Halfon for completing a sponsored swim to raise money for our station. You can find out more, and if you would still like to donate you can visit our JustGiving page: https://www.justgiving.com/page/harlowhospitalradio-sponsoredswim

Thanks to everyone who attended The Great Get Together on the 24th June, the weather was on our side and a massive thanks to Palmer & Martin for arranging the Van hire for the day.

Upcoming event ~ sponsored swim ~
We are delighted to announce that local MP Robert Halfon is doing a sponsored swim to raise money for our station.
You can read more in the link below, and if you would like to donate you can visit our JustGiving page:


Harlow Dementia Fair ~ Saturday 20th May ~ supported by HHR!

Saturday 22nd April 2023 ~ Charity Car Park @ Harlow College:

HHR took part in the Harlow College charity car park on Saturday just gone, many thanks to everyone who came along & supported us! We have raised much needed funds for the station!

April 2023: News & Website Update!

Sorry we have been a little quiet, but spring has sprung and we have updated our website with a fresh look! We hope you enjoy it, and please do take a look around…. you can also now listen live to HHR!!

HHR will be taking part in lots of events very soon, and we will keep you posted via social media and the website.

Please do get in touch if we can help with any events you might have planned.

Click on the contact us section for our details!


Friday 25th November:

We were delighted to be joined in the Studio by Robert Halfon, Harlow’s MP and his chief of staff Natalie Dilworth for a fascinating chat about music, life, Harlow and even a bit of politics. And some great musical selections… Many thanks for coming to visit us!

Robert chatting all things Harlow & Music with Mark & Andy

Friday 7th October – Sunday 9th October:

At long last HHR was able to celebrate our 50th Anniversary, more pictures to follow shortly. But a massive thanks to everyone who supported us. More details can be found here: https://www.yourharlow.com/2022/10/14/harlow-hospital-radio-celebrates-its-50th-anniversary-with-special-marathon-broadcast/

Saturday 30th July:

Some of the HHR team took part in the Harlow College charity car park on Saturday just gone, many thanks to everyone who came along & supported us! We have raised much needed funds for the station!

Saturday 25th June:

Rainbow Services asked HHR to provide Music & PA for “The Great Get Together” held at Harlow Town park, and of course we were more than happy to help out! Many thanks to everyone who came along & for your requests. If you would like HHR to help with your event, please e-mail us via: harlowhospitalradio@live.co.uk

A special thanks to Cut’n’Copy for our new pull up banners ~ click here for further information.

Here are a few snaps from the day.

Friday 3rd June:

Over the long Platinum Jubilee weekend, HHR was asked by the PAH Patient Panel to provide the PA & music for the Gibberd Ward afternoon tea celebration for the Jubilee. This was a fantastic afternoon and so great to see the patients and staff enjoying the music and cake of course! Here are a few snaps from the day!

Sunday 8th May:

Here are a few pictures taken on HHR’s day trip out to Radio Caroline, on the 8th May. Some of our team took advantage of the great weather, and had a spot of lunch & catch-up before we jumped aboard our boat from the jetty at Mersea Island Essex. We had a fantastic day & hope to do more “get togethers” as a station this year, seeing as the last few years have been some what restricted……

Some of the team on-board & as you can see the weather was on our side 🙂
HHR Team selfie – ship ahoy!!

Saturday 26th March:

Some of the HHR team took part in the Harlow College charity car park on Saturday 26th March, thanks to everyone who supported us! We have raised much needed funds for the station

Some of the HHR team @ the Charity Car Park – as always thanks to everyone for your support!

We are pleased to report that the latest edition of our Patient Magazine is now available online for you to enjoy, please click the image below to access the digital edition

The latest copy of Patient Magazine for 2022

Harlow will soon be having a new Hospital built – for further details please visit the PAH website or click here.